Please do not trust anyone who asks you to cash checks and wire them money or print checks and mail them out. These are the two top scams at the moment. These checks are fraudulent and you will be held liable. Good luck to us all, I hope we all find what we are looking for.
smith <>
Thanks for your interests
in the Office position, I will deeply appreciate all genuine efforts to help me
monitor and keep up to date with all my activities. I most very often get my
hands occupied because am working with many companies both states and outside,so
it is imperative for me to have a worthy assistant who can monitor and keep me
up to date with my activities. As my assistant, your activities amongst other
things will include: Make travel arrangements and submit expenses for Attorneys
Order office supplies, Running personal errands,Check Processing Filing
documents,faxing,printing and typing letters Web research, Internet search
skills and posting ads Quality communication etiquette skills and good
organizational skills Serious sense of humor required and mandatory to work
with me Ability to handle highly sensitive and confidential information Perform
duties with accuracy, quality, and integrity You can only apply for this
position if you own a printer and personal computer. Basic wage is $510 a weekly
About me:
My name is Mr Peter Smith, i have a family of 2 and i am a Realtor and Lawyer.I travel alot,hence the reason why i need an assistant to handle affairs for me on the home front when i am away on business which is usually quite often. This position is home-based and flexible you can be in any location,working with me is basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, I need someone who can be able to meet up with my i regular timings.There is also a very sensitive issue on trust and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on.
This is only an introductory e-mail, as time goes on we should be able to arrange a proper meeting to get things started officially. I do have a number of things you could help me with this week if you will be available for me. This can act as a stable foundation to our working relationship. Note:This position is home base office work you can be in any location and work with me from your home. Let me know your interest if you are ready to work with me from your home Mon-Fri @ 10am Here is my Yahoomessenger IM I am always online...
So Fill This Application And Email It Back Here Asap!!!
First Name______________________
Middle Name__________________________ _
Last Name__________________________ ___
Street Address_______________________ ______
City, State, Zip Code__________________________ ____________
Nationality___________________ ________
Cell Phone Number (___)_________________________ __________
Home Phone Number(___)___________________ ________________
Email:________________________ ____
Current Job:__________________________ __
Hope to hear from you again.
Mr Peter
My name is Mr Peter Smith, i have a family of 2 and i am a Realtor and Lawyer.I travel alot,hence the reason why i need an assistant to handle affairs for me on the home front when i am away on business which is usually quite often. This position is home-based and flexible you can be in any location,working with me is basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, I need someone who can be able to meet up with my i regular timings.There is also a very sensitive issue on trust and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on.
This is only an introductory e-mail, as time goes on we should be able to arrange a proper meeting to get things started officially. I do have a number of things you could help me with this week if you will be available for me. This can act as a stable foundation to our working relationship. Note:This position is home base office work you can be in any location and work with me from your home. Let me know your interest if you are ready to work with me from your home Mon-Fri @ 10am Here is my Yahoomessenger IM I am always online...
So Fill This Application And Email It Back Here Asap!!!
First Name______________________
Middle Name__________________________
Last Name__________________________
Street Address_______________________
City, State, Zip Code__________________________
Cell Phone Number (___)_________________________
Home Phone Number(___)___________________
Current Job:__________________________
Hope to hear from you again.
Mr Peter
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