Please be cautious who you give your information to. Do not trust anyone who asks you to cash checks and wire them back money. This SCAM involves your first "task" going to western union and "evaluating" them by wiring them back money. The check you cash is fraudulent though takes up to a week to bounce in your acccount and you will be held liable. Please be careful who you trust and happy holidays to all.
sona steve
Thanks for getting back to us,We only have Mystery Shopper
representative job avail this time around, go through the message
below and email us back with the information needed to start your job
------------------------------ -
Mystery Shopper is a venture that checks reputable companies
performance and services,We are registered and established in America
for a long while now,Feed-plus Secret Shopper? is accepting
applications from qualified individuals to become mystery
shoppers.It's fun and rewarding, and you choose when and where you
want to shop.There is no charge to become a shopper and you do not
need previous experience. After you sign up,you will have access to
training materials via e-mail, fax or postal mail.
One amongst many others pay for Mystery Shoppers to shop in their
establishments and report their experiences.On top of being paid for
shopping you are also allowed to keep purchases for free.Mystery
Shopper? never charge fees to the shopper,training,tips for
improvement,and shopping opportunities are provided free to registered
Assignments Example
------------------------------ -
Secret Shopper has available for immediate assignment an inspection of
the customer service of any Walmart,Western Union outlet,, and some
other local company in your area. This fee will be paid upfront.During
this shopping you will visit the location and make several
observations as regards the customer service.
*You will be required to interact with the shop clerk.
*You may conduct the shop alone or as a couple.
*We will pay you $400. for your first Assignment
Interested Shopper need to kindly fill Out the application form below
and we will get back to you shortly with more information,and be
advise that you need to be checking your mail at least once or twice
everyday.If you fail to respond to any mail for more than 24 hrs you
will miss your assignment.
First Name :
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Full Street Address(not PO BOX) :
Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number ..............
Home Phone Number ............
Age(No Requirement) ................
Current Occupation none.................
Alternate Email Address ...N/A..........
Hiring Manager
Shopper's Guide, Inc®.
Best Regards..
Thanks for getting back to us,We only have Mystery Shopper
representative job avail this time around, go through the message
below and email us back with the information needed to start your job
Mystery Shopper is a venture that checks reputable companies
performance and services,We are registered and established in America
for a long while now,Feed-plus Secret Shopper? is accepting
applications from qualified individuals to become mystery
shoppers.It's fun and rewarding, and you choose when and where you
want to shop.There is no charge to become a shopper and you do not
need previous experience. After you sign up,you will have access to
training materials via e-mail, fax or postal mail.
One amongst many others pay for Mystery Shoppers to shop in their
establishments and report their experiences.On top of being paid for
shopping you are also allowed to keep purchases for free.Mystery
Shopper? never charge fees to the shopper,training,tips for
improvement,and shopping opportunities are provided free to registered
Assignments Example
Secret Shopper has available for immediate assignment an inspection of
the customer service of any Walmart,Western Union outlet,, and some
other local company in your area. This fee will be paid upfront.During
this shopping you will visit the location and make several
observations as regards the customer service.
*You will be required to interact with the shop clerk.
*You may conduct the shop alone or as a couple.
*We will pay you $400. for your first Assignment
Interested Shopper need to kindly fill Out the application form below
and we will get back to you shortly with more information,and be
advise that you need to be checking your mail at least once or twice
everyday.If you fail to respond to any mail for more than 24 hrs you
will miss your assignment.
First Name :
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Full Street Address(not PO BOX) :
Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number ..............
Home Phone Number ............
Age(No Requirement) ................
Current Occupation none.................
Alternate Email Address ...N/A..........
Hiring Manager
Shopper's Guide, Inc®.
Best Regards..
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