I recall when I was a child, watching these political campaigns and thinking to myself, "What difference will this make?" I had high hopes when I was a child. They teach you at a very young age that you have the ability to be WHATEVER you want in life. That anyone can be a millionaire, a rock star or a movie god/goddess but the reality is it's all one big lottery draw- and I have yet to have the winning numbers.
What does the government do? They are a system of the three D's. They dilute, digress and divert. An issue occurs and they digress the situation by saying, "That did not happen... actually what happened was.." When this doesn't work they divert your attention. As a final straw they will dilute the situation by saying, "Okay yes this happened but it wasn't that bad." This will be the most important thing I will ever learn about our system.
Who funds the campaigns of these candidates? The 1% of society. What do they do? They agree to fund the campaign of these candidates if they do something for them like, lower taxes for the wealthy. What's wrong with this picture?
Congress is suppose to be for the people. Helping those of us who are unemployed, under paid, over taxed, depressed, medically ill etc but they have the lowest rate of approval in the history of the US government. They are not on the "peoples" side... they are on the "money" side. When did greed motivate our government? When did this become okay?
We work jobs we hate. We dread going into to these work places to earn a wage to buy sh*t we don't need to feel better about ourselves. We are taught that this is acceptable- ADAPT. Adapt to the fact that our world creates greed. What is wrong with this picture? I care more about my happiness... about my well being than I do about any amount of money. At this point... the only way I can truly be happy is doing the crap I want which doesn't pay enough to pay my bills.
What can we do about this? Jaque fresco created a resource based economy before the 1970's. You can see his designs at www.thevenusproject.com The point is... there has been a solution to our vindictive cycle for over 40 yrs now but nothing has occurred from it because this resource based economy would provide everyone's needs for FREE! Imagine that!
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